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Driven From Pillar to Post

American voters are now whipsawed between
Republican fascism and Democratic deception!

March 8, 2010

By K. A. Rundle

Since this nation's birth, its citizens have been driven from pillar to post in a futile quest for representatives who actually enact the citizens' agenda, who respond to citizen demands. On Election Day, 2010, American voters will once again enter polling booths to engage the governmental machinery in spitball politics. Once again they will lose.

Never in this country's history have the stakes been higher. For unless we stop this government and its international corporate and financial cohorts in their global agenda, we will see the rapid return of slavery –– the slavery of debt peonage and political imprisonment. There will be a profound lowering of the standard of living in the industrial countries, particularly the United States, for all classes except the elite. Mindless obedience, not freedom, will be the benchmark of the new order as it ushers in a lower level of human life.

What does it take to convince Americans to strike back –– and strike back hard?  Chains on our legs, on our children?  We must strike back –– at the polls, in the press, in Congressional districts, in the workplace, in the communities against all tyranny, foreign and domestic.

Instead of yielding to a meaningless choice, we must refuse to vote for either party, regardless of their beguiling rhetoric. For there is no hope of real democratic representation of the people by either Republicans or Democrats. The first are greed-driven, economic fascists, and the second are disingenuous promoters of the same economic policies, sprinkled with crumbs to the populace. Both parties serve the same masters, and neither will ever force the power elite from their feeding frenzy on the general population.

Future articles will detail the specifics of cleaning up this mess we mistakenly call democracy.  Fear not. There are solutions. Tune in and stay with us.
March 8, 2010


Economic collapse is coming again, and for the same reasons!
by K. A. Rundle

This spring, it is very likely that the economy is in for another major shock to our shattered system when the so-called "non-existent inflation" and the myth of the recovery will collide with dire consequences. Mired in the recovery illusion promoted by major media and their collusive government lackeys, the economy will be stripped of its smug pretensions and hit the dust harder than before.

At the moment, we are being told that the recovery is "growing", some say at more than 1.5 percent.  The truth is that the recorded growth includes the "profits" of the financial sector, that is, the banks, insurance companies, and investment houses whose profits are actually taxpayer money.  If  these "profits" are removed from the calculations, the growth is a fat ZERO –– that is, if we're lucky.  More likely, the economy is in negative territory. Better get your pantry stocked and the ammunition for that WWII machine gun mounted on your deck.
More to come on economic meltdown in the next installment.

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