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Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it. . .

 The Declaration of Independence

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Driven From Pillar to Post

American voters are now whipsawed between
Republican fascism and Democratic deception!

March 8, 2010

By K. A. Rundle

Since this nation's birth, its citizens have been driven from pillar to post in a futile quest for representatives who actually enact the citizens' agenda, who respond to citizen demands. On November 2, 2010, American voters will once again enter polling booths to engage the governmental machinery in spitball politics. Once again they will lose.

Never in this country's history have the stakes been higher. For unless we stop this government and its international corporate and financial cohorts in their global agenda, we will see the rapid return of slavery –– the slavery of debt peonage and political imprisonment. There will be a profound lowering of the standard of living in the industrial countries, particularly the United States, for all classes except the elite. Mindless obedience, not freedom, will be the benchmark of the new order as it ushers in a lower level of human life.

What does it take to convince Americans to strike back –– and strike back hard?  Chains on our legs, on our children?  We must strike back –– at the polls, in the press, in Congressional districts, in the workplace, in the communities against all tyranny, foreign and domestic.

Instead of yielding to a meaningless choice, we must refuse to vote for either party, regardless of their beguiling rhetoric. For there is no hope of real democratic representation of the people by either Republicans or Democrats. The first are greed-driven, economic fascists, and the second are disingenuous promoters of the same economic policies, sprinkled with crumbs to the populace. Both parties serve the same masters, and neither will ever force the power elite from their feeding frenzy on the general population.

Registered voters are defecting in droves. Most are probably more liberal; some are hard-line right wing. All are fed up. Recently, a friend called me to ask if she had to notify the Registrar of Voters in her county that she no longer intended to vote. “I don’t want any part of this anymore,” she said. I explained that since she had recently moved, whether or not she wanted to register was solely up to her, but if she felt better, she could call the Registrar (who had sent her a form) and tell her how she felt. She said, “I’ll do just that.” This is not an eccentric individual; she is a thoughtful and compassionate person who took voting seriously.  She reflects the attitudes of tens of millions who feel fleeced and betrayed.  Later, she reconsidered and registered.  Her reason? "It's too important, I can't not vote [sic]," she said.  But her anger and frustration is being felt across the United States.

For the past two centuries, political power has surged between so-called conservative and liberal philosophies, each allegedly trying to undo the policies of the other. This is true no less in other countries than it is in the United States. The ultimate result is, of course, the victimization of the people, and indeed, the destruction of the earth itself.

The immediate consequences of such use of governmental power are stalemate, poor decisions, and watered-down policies, all of which serve no one by the millions of laws generated by political bodies. The less perceived consequence of such political behavior is the anxiety, fear and outright brutality of vast populations, so much so, that we have become the proverbial "Prozac Nation". We have become gutted by gnawing anxiety, hopelessness and chronic hostility toward each other. There are those who believe that the power elite intend us to live in fear and poverty, that in doing so we will grasp at anything that promises security and freedom from fear itself. Thus, we will accept our subservient destinies and surrender our civil rights.  In such a demoralized state, the people are not likely to debate issues on moral grounds.

Instead, issues are usually identified on the basis of whether the "solutions" further the interests or the agenda of the "Left or Right," "Republican or Democrat," "Conservative or Liberal."  Yet each of these illusory factions actually serves certain special interests of the power elite. The primary controversy focuses on cost, not need, and almost never on moral right. Rarely are the issues even identified or discussed on the basis of the welfare of the earth or the well-being of life on it.

We must demand that issues be resolved with reference to a universal loyalty to principle and rightness, not loyalties to any political party or power faction. An example of recasting the "issues" on such grounds is that of immigration. Instead of the diatribe about which people to admit and at what cost, try these issues:

These issues have confounded the best minds. Even the best and the brightest of public servants can be wrong. President Thomas Jefferson believed the United States was so vast a territory that it would take a hundred generations (2,000 years) to fill it up.  Jefferson loved the beauty and openness of the land; he envisioned a country of small villages, towns, farms and a “few urban areas” –– not overcrowded degrading city slums and thousands of square miles of toxic junk and garbage.  Obviously Jefferson did not grasp the power of unbridled procreation.

Yet it was Thomas Jefferson who, in 1776, penned these lines:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundations on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. [emphasis added]

                                            ––– The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.

He grasped what we keep trying to avoid: there is a point where free people cannot continue to live with the government they have.  We are at that point. We need a new constitution. We need a rebirth of a new United States,   conceived in liberty for all and served by a coherent government with the power to enforce simple, straightforward laws in protection of that liberty and well-being. 


We must demand of all candidates asking us to empower them, who and what will they really serve? Demand that they enter into an actual written contract with the electorate with penalties for breach. When they lie, cause unjust war or commit fraud against the people, they must be punished severely with the very weapons they have turned against others: years of hard labor, deprivation of liberty, despair and mental anguish. Yet even if we were to impose such sentences, we still could not in good conscience deny them medical care –– as they have done us. We could not deny them nourishing food or warm clothing –– as they have done us. We could not deny them clean air or water to drink or wash themselves in –– as they have done us.  If we cannot retaliate with the same depravity that they have shown, we can and must act now to stop further harm.  We cannot wait.

In short, we must not continue to empower these elite sociopaths to enslave, abuse, torture and destroy us and the earth. If the election machinery and this “pretense democracy” has failed us, then we must fix it or abolish it, and start over.

Future articles will detail the specifics of cleaning up this mess we mistakenly call democracy.  Fear not. There are solutions. 
Tune in and stay with us.

ŠK. A. Rundle, 2010.  All rights reserved. You're not allowed to copy, edit, publish, print or make public any material from this website or this article without written permission.